When you compete in the Software-as-a-Service market, your site better look as good as you claim your product is. If not, your potential buyers might think your product is a dud. The old Artifi site was looking dated and in need of a facelift that corresponded to its new brand identity.


Responsive Design
Art Direction

The Challenge

Artifi is a Software-as-a-Service program that lets owners of e-commerce sites provide their users with a configurator software that lets them see all the options they picked for their purchase. Users could choose from colors, fit options, and custom logo placements. All of which could be seen in real time on a 3D render of the product.

Artifi had the numbers to prove that users who could customize their products were more likely to buy, but they needed a way to show to potential vendors the importance of offering customization and configuration software on their sites.



Artifi wasn't the only software that was offered by its parent company Amla. Amla was also in the process of a rebrand, and they wanted all of their product offerings to look like a child brand. We developed a family of brands that shared identifiable traits and a color palette, but also given their own stylings to let them stand alone. Now, all of their brands look like they belong together.


Artifi wanted to show that you could customize any aspect of a product with its configurator. To help communicate this idea, we shot a library of different retail products, and through an extensive compositing and development process, made a "slot machine" style customizer on the homepage. Each time you came to the homepage, it would load a product and randomly generate color combinations, to help sell the idea that your users can "design it any way you like".



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